Weeks 11 – Master Key Experience

The closing unifying message from the MKE leadership to restart now got me excited again. After Sunday’s call I felt different. I knew it was time for me to reassess what needs to be done and make a decision to do it NOW. 

Monday morning I woke up at 3:46AM and decided to change into my workout clothes and get an early start to my day. I had not felt this energized since I started the MKE back in September. Today I started my 20 minute workout on the treadmill, still feeling energized and did another 8 minutes. After my shower I did my morning read and a sit. I even started my blog this day with the promise to blog daily in Google Docs then finalize and upload Friday to the website. 

The exercise and journal entries lasted until Wednesday. I ate what I wanted and delayed my meals.I had a McRib meal with a large mocha frappe, however it was my only meal for the day. I found that one meal a day works and I just need to change it to one healthy meal a day to see results. (One day at a time). The scale remained stable – no gain no loss. 

Thursday, I have allowed a client to steal my peace since he has agreed to move forward with service and decided not to pay. My mental attitude was not good and the MKE reading started to dwindle.

 I was more active with the tribe this week. I also connected with a member in my tribe and 2 other members for a mastermind group. So your girl has 2 mastermind groups because the universe knows I need it and I am thankful! Mark is right, connection to the tribe and mastermind group(s) is necessary to progress in this journey. Especially when you start a bad habit of glancing over the paper with the accountability poem that is on the mirror and not looking at yourself in the eye. It is amazing what we can tune out when we get ready. 

It was a  good laugh when Michael Puffa observed “the bird’s chirp” in the background when I did my polo. LOL. I don’t have a bird…I have high vaulted ceilings in my bedroom and a smoke detector that needs to be changed. It is also the room that the light blows the most and I have recently had the bulb changed but not that battery because mentally I have tuned that sound out. This is a good revelation; if I can tune out the smoke detector, I can also tune out the internal request for more dessert.  I can be what I will to be! 
After writing an email to my client – (that was ignored) I felt new energy. It was the need to push harder to obtain mind control, to persist and revamp my plan. I realized, I want 3 new clients to replace that one, I will get them and together we will make lots of money. I will keep my peace, focus, hit the reset button and create better habits. It starts with a new service card because the old one feels like a lie and a new commitment to be consistent with my reading. RESET!


  1. Andrea, good for you for continuing to reset and for continuing to create better habits. From your blog rover friend John.

  2. By the way, I don’t think I’ve told you that I LOVE your blog posts with the shape and colors! You are right — the MasterMind is critical to success. Keep up the good work. Love your bright shiny face.

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