Week 6 – Master Key Experience

My Master Key Experience Week 6 was unfocused. I did not get all of the reads in, my press release is still outstanding and since the assignments relied on a completed press release I felt far behind. I implemented the practice of saying “Do It Now”  as it relates to me doing my press release however unforeseen issues in my business made me change my focus off me and onto these issues at hand. Hindsight is 20/20 and when I look back I needed to remember the airplane analogy and put my mask on first. Without a focused mind, I got less done and some stress.

I exceeded my weight release goal of 15lbs. I lost 17lbs from Oct 1 – Nov 1st 2020. Starting weight was 258, weight as of Nov 1st 2020 was 241.9. My highest weight was 263 in Fall 2019.  That was an amazing feeling and deep down inside I truly believe I am going to obtain “True Health”. As promised, Oct 1st, 2020, I started doing the Keto diet coupled with intermittent fasting however a few weeks ago I had a good Master Key Experience week, did a major service, lost weight and felt the need to “treat” myself to 2 biscuits and hot chocolate. After eating that “treat” I continued eating that way for 3-4 nights after. Something good came from that experience.  I learned to not give myself an emotional beat down, that tomorrow was a new day and I looked for alternative ways to release weight with all foods. I freed myself from mental anguish and it felt great!  

About 3 months ago, I purchased the audio books The Diabetic Code and The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung. He talks about 24 to 36 hr fast with Keto to release the weight. Back in September I made an attempt to do a 24 hr fast but by 3pm I had a terrible headache and caved in like a cheap folding chair. Later that day I had fast food and binge watched movies on LifeTime Movie Network. 

I’ll try again on Oct. 1st . I told myself and went back to my old way of eating for the rest of september. Recently the audio book Delay Don’t Deny by Gin Stephens was in my recommended books in Audible, I listened to the free sample read and made the purchase. 

Gin Stephens’ book  made reference to the science in Dr Fung’s  book  the Obesity Code as it relates to intermittent fasting however instead of fasting 24 to 36 hours she eats 1 meal within a 2-5 hour window. Her meals include whatever she feels like eating, desserts included. She eats until she is full and she is done. 

After listening to Gin’s book, I changed my eating window from 12-8PM to 3-8PM, then pushed it back to 5pm. It has gotten easier to delay my meals, no more headaches. I thought “I could do this!”. Then my 15 year old daughter kept asking for Halloween candy. I brought her a small bag of chocolate and candy corn. I got a bag for myself, after all you can only get candy corn once a year and I ate the entire 5 person bag of candy corn in one night. The good thing is that I ate the candy,  a salad, tea and water during my eating window after 5pm. Days later I felt for chocolate cake and had 3 slices over a 3 day period with a sandwich and hot chocolate. 5lbs came back on. 

Tomorrow was a new day I said this past Thursday and I have been on the 1 meal a day kick ever since.  I am down 2 lbs. 244.4  and holding strong because I want to say Goodbye to the 240s altogether and build myself up to a 24 hour fast. My Doctor is on board and told me how I should take my diabetic medications when I fast. Like I mentioned before, this is going to happen. I must tighten up and execute all exercises in the Master Key Experience to make my journey easier. 

My Guide Pam Schwarzy made my day when I received a compass and magnifying glass with a note to live by the compass and not by the clock. Her gift came just in time for week 6 and having the magnifying glass is a reminder to keep the focus. Thanks Pam! I appreciate you and this entire experience.  

Cheers to the Good Life


  1. Hi, Andrea! Having personally just reviewed the “Science of Being Well” by Wallace Wattles, I have a hunch it can add some powerful insights that can help you immensely as you move forward! I want you to know I am monitoring your progress closely. LOL 🙂

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