TIME, TIME, TIME! I must get a handle of it!
I will get a handle of it.
I want to begin by thanking Mark J for sharing his story about how he found the time during his journey to make his dreams realized. I got a gold nugget from him this past Sunday when he mentioned his personal sacrifice to reach his goal was to watch only his favorite football team play, opposed to watching every team all day on Sundays. BINGO! This is a game changer for me. Currently, my time goes to whatever is pressing at the time. So last week when I couldn’t figure out how to implement a request for my client, so I spent part of my weekend trying to figure it out, that ran into my planning session and it resulted in another week without a plan.
I decided, I will dedicate my Saturdays to executing those ideas for obtaining LIBERTY! No more sleeping in for me and watching TV on Sundays either; I MUST get a handle of my TIME. I MUST plan my week before the MKE call.
I’m also very thankful to both the Fabulous Davene and my Guide Pam Schwarzy for giving me tips for clearing my racing mind during my SITS. The breathing exercises worked.
When I feel lost, I always find myself going back to Earl Nightingale’s strangest secret for a listen. He has a part when he mentions we are where we are because that is where we truly want to be and then he proceeds and says the following quote.

Hearing that has been a big hard pill to swallow and difficult to accept since I have failed time and time again with my health. I failed again, those two biscuits I had on Sunday for reward and felt “Bliss” led me to my old path, Monday night, I had crackers and hot chocolate. Tuesday night PB&J with hot chocolate. Wednesday Pizza Hut, Crunch and Munch with sweet Cran Grape juice. Raisin bran cereal with evaporated milk. Of course the scale easily added back the 6 of the 10 lbs. I lost. I feel very discouraged right now.
This time is different. Although I failed this week with my Keto plan I am sticking to my blueprint. “ I KNOW THAT I HAVE THE ABILITY TO ACHIEVE THE OBJECT OF MY DEFINITE PURPOSE IN LIFE, THEREFORE, I DEMAND OF MYSELF PERSISTENT, CONTINUOUS ACTION TOWARDS ITS ATTAINMENT, AND HERE AND NOW PROMISE TO RENDER SUCH ACTION” I will not give up. I must dig deep and go harder with my reading, visualize myself at goal more often and rethink my eating plan.
Last week I mentioned that I was not stressed about doing Marco Polo because it wasn’t “mandatory” however strangely I felt disconnected. I have disconnected myself from my tribe. Why disconnect myself I pondered, then the words from the master keys jumped off the page and spoke to me. “ BUT THE MAN WHO KNOWS THAT HE HAS A SOLAR PLEXUS WILL NOT FEAR CRITICISM OR ANYTHING ELSE; HE WILL BE TOO BUSY RADIATING COURAGE, CONFIDENCE AND POWER; HE WILL ANTICIPATE SUCCESS BY HIS MENTAL ATTITUDE”.
When I read the words Wednesday morning, right there I had a breakthrough. Wow….I was afraid of being judged on Marco Polo and that is why I told myself I did not like it and was not going to do it because I have a tendency to ramble. The funny thing is Marco Polo is the very thing I need to do to speak more fluently. That very day I spoke on Marco Polo and shared the revelation with the tribe.
The time situation still carried over this week however I vow to complete my planning session this Sunday and to make time to do Marco Polo more often to connect and communicate with my tribe.
Great blog. I Like the the way you connected with your blueprint builder, and one of the passages in the Masterkey lesson book. Kudos for being so observant of yourself and taking action. I admire that. Good luck on your fantastic journey
Thanks Allen. So much to get to that Golden Buddha within.
Way to go Andrea! I’m glad you found the breathing exercises helpful- me too 🙂 You got this
Thanks Angelica. Yes WE got this!
You are definitely finding your way, Andrea! 🙂
I pray so. Thank You!
Great Blog! Love the page layout
Keep replacing those bad habits with good ones. Don’t let that old blueprint or cement to take hold of you anymore. Time management is a lie (Mark taught me this). All that we can control are our actions. You have got this!
Time management a lie…wow that is some food for thought. Thanks